Sunday, 2 September 2012

शंख चक्र पुस्ताकाक्ष मालिकाधरम वरं - ज्ञान सागरात्मजा समाश्रितम् तमॊपहम्।
कुम्भसम्भवाद्यनेक मौनिमुख्य सेवितम् - अश्वशीर्षमद्वितीयमादिदेवमाश्रये ।।
A prayer of lord Hayagreeva written by me in Sugandhi vritta.

Hi all!! with the blessings of lord Hayagreeva and Jyothishampathi I invite you all to my blog. I am starting this blog to share my views, experiences and thoughts about various branches of hindu learning in general and astrology in particular. I would also like to share my published articles through the medium of this blog. May this enrich me and also you, my esteemed visitors, in terms of knowledge and wisdom.