Joseph Murray
Joseph Edward Murray was an American plastic
surgeon who performed the first successful human kidney transplant and awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
in 1990. He died today in his 94th year. This is a brief
astrological sketch of him in the light of nadi rules.
1st April 1919
This Chart is prepared for 6 AM for 90W. Moon is placed
in Pisces. Moon will move into Aries during the day. By looking at the events
in the life of the native I feel Moon will be in Aries.
Jeevakaraka Jupiter is placed in the intellectual sign
Gemini having Ketu in the 12th and Saturn in the 2nd.
Sun-Mars-Mercury are placed in the 10th and Moon-Venus is placed in
the 11th from Jupiter. Jupiter has exchanged signs with Mercury and
hence will move over to Pisces getting the association of Sun-Mars and having Moon-Venus
in the 2nd, Ketu in the 3rd, Mercury in the 4th
and Saturn in the 5th in a sequence. Saturn, the karmakaraka is
retrograde in Cancer in the last degree. Jupiter is placed in the 12th,
Ketu in the 11th and Moon-Venus in the 10th from Saturn.
Saturn meets Rahu first. Further retrogradation of Saturn brings him to Gemini
getting the association of Jupiter and as retrograde Mercury moves to Aquarius
the sign exchange between Saturn and Mercury brings Saturn to Aquarius having
Sun-Mars in the 2nd, Venus in the 3rd, Ketu in the 4th
and Jupiter-Mercury in the 5th in a sequence.
The multiple planetary influences formed between planets
because of the retrogression and sign exchange may appear to be confusing at
first but a careful perusal of these influences will be indispensible to get a
correct grasp of the life purpose of a native.
Jupiter-Saturn association indicates that the native will
have a respectable profession and Jupiter about to enter his exaltation
indicates great improvement in life of the native. Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury
association in Gemini shows that the entire life of the native will be based on
intellectual pursuits. Jupiter getting the association of Sun-Mars and having Moon-Venus
in the 2nd and Ketu in the 3rd is one yoga which added
with the combination of Saturn having Sun-Mars in the 2nd, Moon-Venus
in the 3rd, Ketu in the 4th and Jupiter-Mercury in the 5th
indicates that the native will be a doctor (Venus-Ketu) and a surgeon
(Sun-Mars) dealing with the life of people (Jupiter-Saturn). Jupiter having
Venus in the 11th and 2nd, Saturn having Venus in the 10th
and 11th indicate that the native’s life will be comfortable and
Jupiter-Saturn association always indicates a good
longevity provided other supportive factors are present in the chart. Further
Jupiter having Sun-Mars-Mercury in the 10th and getting the association
of his friends Sun-Mars after sign exchange with Jupiter also indicates a long
life. Jupiter about to enter his exaltation sign where he meets his friend
Saturn indicates a long and fruitful life.
Jupiter having Ketu in the 12th and Saturn in
the 2nd indicates a deep spiritual and philosophical basis for the
life and work of the native.
Murray was born the son of William A. Murray and Mary
DePasquale and grew up in Milford, Massachusetts. Father was a
lawyer and a District Court Judge, mother a school teacher.
Sun, the planet ruling over father, is placed with Mars
and Mercury and gets the association of Jupiter by sign exchange. This explains
his position as a lawyer (Mercury-Mars are enemies fighting between themselves)
who resolves disputes and as a judge holding hign position (Jupiter with Sun
and Sun meeting Jupiter-Saturn ahead). Moon, the significator for mother, is
placed along with Venus having Ketu in the 2nd and Jupiter-Mercury
association in the 3rd explaining her job as a teacher
(Jupiter-Mercury association generally indicates educational institutions).
He was a star athlete at the Milford High School.
Murray excelled in football, ice hockey, and baseball. Upon graduation, Murray
attended the College of the Holy Cross intending to
play baseball. The baseball practices and lab schedules conflicted forcing him
to give up baseball.
Jupiter involved in a sign exchange with Mercury and
getting the association of Mars indicates his active involvement in sports and
game and other physical activities. Mercury, the ruler of education, is
involved in sign exchange with Jupiter indicating a high level of educational
qualification. Mercury with Sun and Mars having Venus in the 2ndand
Ketu in the 3rd indicates his education in medicine and surgery
(Mars-Sun combination stands for surgery and Sun-Venus-Ketu
association/arrangement stands for medicine).
Murray later attended Harvard Medical School. After graduating
from medical school, Murray joined the US Army,
where he studied surgery at Valley Forge General Hospital in Pennsylvania.
Saturn in the last degree of Cancer also exerts an
influence equal to its presence in Leo. Furthermore, Saturn getting the
association of Sun-Mars in the 10th and 2nd owing to his
retrogression and sign exchange explains his stint with the US army. This might
have happened when he was running 20-25 years and Saturn would be transiting
Pisces and Aries at that time.
23rd Dec 1954
On 23rd December 1954, Murray performed the
world's first successful renal transplant between the identical Herrick twins
at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; he was
assisted in this task by J. Hartwell Harrison, M.D. and other noted
It can be seen that Jupiter was transiting over natal
Saturn in Cancer while Saturn was transiting over Libra opposite to natal
Venus-Moon in Aries. This is a most favorable transit indicating the landmark
achievement in his life.
In 1959, he performed the world's first successful allograft
and, in 1962, the world's first cadaveric renal transplant. Throughout the
following years, Murray became an international leader in the study of
transplantation biology, the use of immunosuppressive agents, and studies on
the mechanisms of rejection. In the 1960s, the discovery of anti-rejection
drugs such as azathioprine, imuran and prednisone,
allowed Murray to carry out transplants from unrelated donors.
Murray served as chief plastic surgeon at Children's Hospital Boston from 1972–1985
and retired as professor of Surgery Emeritus in 1986 from Harvard Medical School.
The transit of Saturn throughout in the 2nd
round saw him scale heights in his research as a transplantation biologist and
researcher. His career has started when Saturn was transiting Aquarius-Pisces
and it developed further as Saturn moved in the zodiac that reached its zenith
during the 2nd round of Saturn. This is explained by the fact that
in the natal chart though Saturn has no planets ahead to meet except Rahu in
Scorpio, retrogression of Saturn will bring a sequence of planets ahead to meet
occupying 4 signs ahead.
Personal life
June 15th 1945
He married Virginia Link in June 1945, with whom he had
three sons and three daughters. He enjoyed tennis, biking and swimming. His
wife pursued music professionally for 15 years after marriage.
He married at the age of 26 when Saturn was transiting
over natal Jupiter and Jupiter was in Leo. In the natal chart Venus is with
Moon having Ketu in the 2nd and Mercury-Jupiter in the 3rd
indicating that the wife will be an artist (Venus with Moon) and will earn name
and fame (Ketu) because of her artistic and intellectual attainments
(Mercury-Jupiter). Jupiter gets the association of many planets and meets all
of them in his transits from his exchanged place. This indicates many issues.
Venus-Moon combination having Ketu in the 2nd stands for 3 daughters
while Jupiter getting the association of Sun-Mars-Saturn indicates 3 sons. Mercury
can be omitted from the counting as he is debilitated and has his enemy Moon in
the 2nd.
In 2001, Murray published his autobiography, Surgery
of the Soul: Reflections on a Curious Career, which doubles as a story of
14 of his experiences and the struggles with them.
Mars-Mercury combination, Mercury-Ketu association and
Jupiter-Mercury association in the 2nd, 11th, 10th
or 7th from Saturn generally indicates writing and publishing. In
2001, Saturn was moving in Taurus over natal Ketu while Jupiter was transiting
his natal position in Gemini indicating the fructification of promise held in
the natal chart.
Murray died on November 26, 2012 at age 93. He suffered a
stroke at his suburban Boston home on Thanksgiving
and died at Brigham and Women's Hospital.
On the day of his death transit Jupiter is moving with
transit Ketu in Taurus which lodges the natal Ketu. Transit Saturn is in Libra
confronting both the natal and transit Rahu.
26th Nov 2012