Monday, 13 June 2016

Sun's Role in Judging Profession

This article was for a special issue on Sun in astrology and was published in the June 2003 issue of "The Astrological Magazine". I am thankful to Mrs Gayatridevi Vasudev, the then editor, for permitting me to share this on social media. I was not aware of any nadi astrology at that time but could see the simple influence of rasi placement, planetary association and bhava placement of Sun to show influence on the profession of a native. This article has a 2nd part, unfortunately which I lost. Readers may check the validity of my observations shared in the article. I hope you will enjoy reading this........
There is an interesting story associated with this article....A person who completed his PG in Geology and searching for jobs read this first part of the article and underlined the points I have mentioned regarding government jobs. Later, when I joined NGRI, hyderabad, for my doctoral studies, he came in touch with me through a common friend. He was also working as a project fellow, a temporary position, in a project at NGRI. He told me that he has the combination in his chart but he did not have a permanent government job and he had already crossed the maximum eligible age. Hence, this observation of mine had not worked in his case. I just smiled and said, may be this has failed in your case. After a couple of years he got an interview for the post of Geophysicist in GSI and got selected in that. He had applied for that job while he was in the eligible age group and had forgotten about that. Now, he is a Gazetted Central Government employee working in Geological Survey of India. We became close friends in course of time...when the magazine issues of this article in my collection were damaged by termites, he scanned and sent me this first part for which I am thankful to him.....
P.S: It is natural that ideas and concepts keep on evolving and changing with the addition of knowledge and experience. Though I am sharing these articles in the same form as they were earlier published, I may not totally agree with what I have written a decade back.
Sun's Role in Judging Profession
K. Guru Rajesh

The Sun is the Atmakaraka and Rajyakaraka in astrology and occupies an important position in horoscope analysis regarding matters of health, vitality, longevity, profession and spiritual evolution of the native.

Generally, the 10th house indicates profession. The right word used in classical texts is 'Karma' which includes any work done by the person along with the work carried out for one's livelihood. Usually, profession is judged by considering the 10th house from the Lagna and Chandra Lagna and the Navamsa occupied by the 10th lord etc., besides their lords and Lagna lord. Even though the major inclination of the native can be related to the Lagna and the 10th lords, by analysing the situation of the Sun in the horoscope we can get some more clues. As DR. B.V. RAMAN says: "The most difficult and at the same time the most important in the analysis of a horoscope is the determination of occupation or profession. In fact, the number of avocations today is so vast and varied that it is nearly impossible to ascertain with any degree of accuracy the exact nature of profession "· Thus, besides the general rules and conditions for deciding the profession, a detailed study of the position of the Sun in a horoscope may reveal some better insights into the vocation of the native.

The vocational inclination of a person can be ascertained by carefully assessing the nature of the sign, the Bhava and the asterism occupied by the Sun as also planets in association with and aspecting the Sun. The Navamsa position of the Sun is also important.

Besides these details, the 10th house from the Surya Lagna (sign occupied by the Sun) should also be considered.

1. Rasi Occupied by the Sun
The lord of the Rasi where the Sun is posited has the maximum influence on one's occupation. The nature of the Rasis like fiery, earthy, airy and watery and also whether moveable, fixed and common must also be taken into account.

Professions coming under the Sun occupying different signs are:

a) Sun in Martian Signs
Military, police department, fire extinguishing department, chemicals, agriculture, geology and mining, civil engineering, surgery, physiotherapy, sports like body building, boxing, wrestling, martial arts etc.

Professions carrying authority like IAS, IPS, IFS etc., come under the Sun in Aries. The Sun in Scorpio may make the native pursue a career related to discovery of something unknown or hidden like scientific investigations, forensic and crime departments etc.

b) Sun in Venusian Signs
Performing arts like music, poetry, dance, drama, cinema etc., professions related to fashion designing, textiles, beauty parlours, jewels and ornaments, marriage bureau, flower gardens, scents etc.

c) Sun in Mercurian signs
Intellectual professions like scientific research, accountancy, mathematics, astrology, astronomy etc., vocations related to trade and commerce like banking, financing etc.

The Sun in Virgo may show the medical field as it forms the 6th house in the Zodiac. Similarly, the Sun in Gemini gives occupations connected with communications and art like television anchoring, radio news reading, publishing, editing, journalism. It can also show music and writing as it is the 3rd sign in the Zodiac.

d) Sun in Lunar Sign
Vocations related to liquids and water like navy, marine, geology, oceanography, hydrology, dairy farming etc., are shown. As it is the 4th in the natural Zodiac it also includes vocations related to hotels, hospitals, liquor shops, nursing, swimming pools etc. Psychology also comes under this group.

e) Sun in Solar Sign
The Sun in his own house which happens to be a fiery and royal sign may make the native an executive authority like an IAS, IPS, police or military official etc. Being a sign related to jungles, wild animals and hills, it can also include callings related to animal keeping, zoos, forestry department etc.

f) Sun in Jupiterian Signs
Vocations related to Jupiter are law, teaching, astrology, spiritual vocations etc. The Sun in Sagittarius makes the native inclined towards authoritative posts, politics etc. as it is a fiery sign. The Sun in Pisces may make the native incline towards vocations related to water like naval engineering, ship building, hydrology, oceanography etc.

g) Sun in Saturnine Signs
Philosophy, spiritual avocations, labour, callings related to the downtrodden, social service, law, judicial callings etc., are the most likely.

2. Bhava Occupied by the Sun
The Bhava where the Sun is posited also has a general influence on the vocation. It is stated that the presence of the Sun in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Bhavas is beneficial. I would like to emphasize the effect of the presence of the Sun in the 10th house. In the 10th house, he attains Digbala. And the Ascendant itself gets the benefit of Abhijin Muhurta. Here, the Sun becomes powerful enough to confer Rajayoga on the native irrespective of the Ascendant. But, he will give the best results if in the 10th for Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius Ascendants.

In my humble experience, it is observed that the influence of the Sun on Ascendant or the 10th house, either by occupation or by aspect, results in the native having an occupation under the government or related to the government.

3. Asterism Occupied by the Sun
The Rasi effects are altered according to the lord of the asterism occupied by the Sun.

4. Planets in Association with the Sun

Planets influence the Sun either by association or by aspect also.
1. The Sun along with Mercury and Venus in the 2nd may make the native a great poet, eloquent speaker and also related to politics. In other Bhavas, he may become a poet, author or musician.
2. The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, especially in the 10th, make the native a great scholar in many branches of knowledge and honoured even by kings and rulers.
3. The combined influence of Mercury and Saturn on the Sun may make the native work related to mathematics, astrology, sculpture, painting, printing, publishing, proof reading etc.
4. Jupiter and Saturn with the Sun along with Rahu or Ketu may make the native spiritually evolved and according to other Yogas present, he may realise the ultimate goal of life or Moksha.
5. The combined influence of Saturn and Mars on the Sun may make the native an engineer, military officer or doctor etc. according to the sign involved.
6. The combined influence of Saturn and Jupiter along with Mars on the Sun shows judicial professions. It may also make the native a patriot.
7. The influence of Mars and Jupiter on the Sun in appropriate signs may give one an authoritative post. If powerful Raja Yogas are present, he may even become a ruler.
8. The influence of malefics like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu on the Sun results in professions related to the medical field.
9. The influence of the Moon and Venus on the Sun may result in professions like music, dance, poetry, drama etc. Professions related to liquids also can be indicated according to the sign involved.
10. The combined influence of Saturn and Venus on the Sun may give vocations related to cinema industry, photography, textile industry etc.

Most of the horoscopes illustrated here are from How to Judge a Horoscope – II by DR.B. V. RAMAN and Gayatri Devi Vasudev, and Notable Horoscopes by DR. B. V. RAMAN.

Philosophers and Saints

The Sun in Sagittarius owned by Jupiter is conjoined by Rahu and aspected by the Moon, Ketu and Saturn in Chart 1. The influence of Manahkaraka, Mokshakaraka, Vairagyakaraka and Gnanakaraka on the Atmakaraka. Sun reveals the highly spiritual life of the Maharshi.

Chart 1: Ramana Maharshi : Born 29/30-12-1879 at 1-00 a.m. (LMT) at 9 N 50, 78 E 15.

The Sun in Chart 2 is in the philosophical sign Aquarius whose lord is Vairagyakaraka Saturn. The Sun is with Rahu and aspected by the Manahkaraka Moon and Mokshakaraka Ketu. The Sun occupies the constellation of Jupiter. These factors are enough to understand the spirituality of Sri Gouranga Chaitanya.

Chart 2: Sri Chaitanya : Born 18-2-1486 at 8-46 p.m. at 23 N 23, 88 E 25.

It is observed in experience that people who are born at the time of the lunar eclipse when the Sun is influenced by Jupiter and Saturn become highly evolved souls though they may suffer early parental loss.


The native of Chart 3 was an eminent medical doctor with an international reputation. Note the conjunction of the Sun with Mars and Rahu in the sign Cancer which denotes a medical profession.

Chart 3: Male: Born 6-8-1906 at 12-38 p.m. (LMT) at 17 N 46, 83 E 17.

Notice the position of the Sun in the 10th exalted and associated with the 10th lord Mars in Chart 4. They are in turn aspected by exalted Saturn. The Sun is in the constellation of Ketu and in Navamsa, he is with Rahu. Further, the general influence of the Ascendant Cancer occupied by Ketu made him a chief medical officer whose performance was outstanding. The position of the Sun and the 10th lord bestowed an authoritative post on the native.

Chart 4 : Male: Born 10-04-1953 at 11-32 a.m. at Delhi.


The Sun, Rahu, Mercury conjunction in the fiery sign Aries aspected by Saturn and Jupiter made the native of Chart 5 a civil engineer having mechanical skills. Here the influence of Mercury is greater on the Sun than of Rahu due to his proximity to the Sun and because he is the Navamsa dispositor of the Sun. This made the native an engineer instead of a doctor.

Chart 5 : Male: Born 29-04-1948 at 9-48 p.m. (1ST) at 12 N 52, 74 E 53.

The Sun is with Mars in a Mercurian sign aspected by Saturn in Chart 6. The native is a civil engineer. The influence of the Sun and Mars on the 10th gave him a career in engineering with contracts for civil construction from the Government.

Chart 6 : Male: Born 8/9-7-1973 at 0-03 a.m. (LMT) at 22 N 34, 88 E 24.


The Sun is with Venus and Mercury in a Mercurian sign Gemini (3rd house of the natural Zodiac) in Chart 7. They are aspected by the 2nd lord Moon. In Navamsa also, the Sun is associated with Venus. As previously stated, the combined influence of Venus, Mercury and the Moon on the Sun in the appropriate sign Gemini made the native's career connected with music. The Sun in Jupiter's constellation made her a traditional classical music singer of great popularity and charm.

Chart 7: Female: Born 2/3-7-1928 at 5-30 a.m. (1ST) at 13 N 05, 80 E 15.

The Sun in Chart 8 is in a Venusian sign in the constellation of Rahu who in turn is in Sagittarius along with Jupiter. No other planet aspects the Sun. In Navamsa, the Sun is in Pisces along with the Moon aspected by Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Thus the influence of Venus and Moon on the Sun made the native a classical vocalist and the powerful influence of Jupiter on the Sun made him a teacher of music. The malefic influence of Mars and Saturn has their own share in hindering his career progress as he met with a severe accident.

Chart 8 : Male: Born 2-11-1972 at 8-00 p.m. (LMT) at 16 N 15, 81 E 12.

Judicial Professions

The Sun occupies a Mercurian sign along with Venus, the Lagna lord, aspected by Saturn and Jupiter in Chart 9. He also occupies a Jupiterian Navamsa aspected by a powerful Mercury. The dominating influence of Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn on the Sun made the native a great educationist, mathematician and jurist. The native had outstanding mental capacities with a distinct bent for mathematics.

Chart 9: Ashutosh Mukherjee : Born 29-6-1864 at about 3-55 a.m. (LMT) at 22 N 35, 88 E.

In Chart 10, the Sun is in the Lagna, a fiery Jupiterian sign Sagittarius powerfully aspected by Saturn who is exalted and Vargottama. Saturn is in Libra, a balanced sign which bestows a balanced judicial outlook. The Sun occupies the constellation of Ketu who should give the effects of Mercury which made his judgements intelligent. This chart belongs to a High Court judge.

Chart 10: Male: Born 17-12-1893 at 8-02 a.m.(LMT) at 13 N, 77 E 35.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

This was probably my first article published in the January 2003 issue of the now defunct "The Astrological Magazine". I am thankful to Mrs Gayatridevi Vasudev for permitting me to share this on social media. It is natural that ideas and concepts keep on evolving and changing with the gaining of knowledge and experience. Though I am sharing these articles in the same form as they were earlier published, I may not totally agree with what I have written a decade back.
This article is about the dreaded Guru Chandala Yoga and its effects demonstrating real life cases. I hope you will enjoy....

Guru Chandala Yoga and Religiousness
Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
GURU CHANDALA YOGA is one of those Yogas whose causative factors and effects are quite ambiguous. The following lines can be noted.

जीवे सराहौ यदि वा सकेतौ
छन्डालता पापनिरीक्षितौ चेत्
- Sarvartha Chintamani

जीवे राहुयुते Sथवा शिखियुते पापेक्षिते नीचकृत्
- Jataka Parijata

Both texts mean that when Jupiter is with Rahu or Ketu and aspected by a malefic, it results in Chandala Yoga. Most of the later writers, including DR. B.V. RAMAN, have recognised the Yoga even if the combination does not receive any malefic aspect. Further, DR. B.V. RAMAN has considered even the presence of Jupiter in the constellation of Rahu as Guru Chandala Yoga while interpreting some of the horoscopes in his book Notable Horoscopes.

ध्वजाहिमन्दैस्सहितेन्द्रपूज्ये शुक्रेक्षिते वा शशिसूनु द्रुष्टे।
शूद्रोपिचेत विप्रसमत्वमेति विद्यां सर्वां अधिगम्य जातः॥
- Sarvartha Chintamani

मन्दाराहि समन्वितेS मरगुरौ शुक्रेन्दुपुत्रेक्षिते
जातस्सूद्र कलेबरोपि निखिलां विद्यामुपैति श्रियम्॥
- Jataka Parijata

According to Sarvartha Chintamani, even though Jupiter is associated with Ketu or Rahu or Saturn but is aspected by either Venus or Mercury; then the native, even though a low born, will become well versed in all the Sastras. Jataka Parijata includes Mars also in the list and eliminates Ketu. Thus it is obvious that Guru Chandala Yoga will result when Jupiter is associated with Ketu or Rahu or Saturn. The combination of Jupiter with Mars cannot be included in the Chandala Yoga as most of the texts praise the result of such a combination. We may further conclude that the aspect of malefics on Guru Chandala Yoga further aggravates the malefic effects.

The results of Guru Chandala Yoga are given in most texts. The name of the Yoga itself suggests that the native will be a Chandala or a Neechakrit which mean that he will be an outcaste and will do very mean acts. In my experience, Guru Chandala Yoga is found to show the following results :
1. The native may became an agnostic or an atheist denying the existence of God.
2. The native may become a religious bigot hating other religions and extremely orthodox as far as his own religion is concerned.
3. The native may become interested in Kshudra Mantras and thereby earn money by black magic and other unorthodox means.
4. The native may be well versed in Vedas and Mantra Sastra and also religiously inclined, but he may be addicted to smoking, alcohol and other vices.
Let us now observe the effects of the combination of Jupiter with Saturn, Rahu and Ketu separately.

Jupiter and Saturn

ज्ञेयः श्मश्रुकरोSसितेन घटकृज्जातोन्नकारोपिवा
- Brihat Jataka

The combination of Jupiter and Saturn makes a person a barber or potter or cook. This result should not be applied verbatim. The Rasi in which the association takes place, the strength of Jupiter, disposition of these planets from Lagna and their lordships etc. should be duly considered.

Jupiter and Rahu
Every planet has both positive and negative traits. Here the positive traits of Rahu when combined with Jupiter may make a person interested in ancient philosophical lore, occultism etc. and may make him follow all the external religious customs and duties. The negative traits may make him a Kshudra Mantrika or he may become addicted to vices. The native may become even a Naastika (atheist).

Jupiter and Ketu
This combination is not as formidable as that of Rahu and Jupiter. Ketu being the Mokshakaraka and Jupiter being the Karaka for religion make the native inclined towards Self-Realization and selfless Karma Yoga shunning all external show of religiousness. It may also make the native an agnostic but with faith in humanitarian and moral values, if the conjunction is very close and afflicted by malefic aspects.

But there is the other side of the coin also. Guru Chandala Yoga manifests itself in constructive channels and makes a person highly religious in its truer sense and gives him higher spiritual knowledge under the following conditions :
1. When Jupiter is powerful (in his own or exaltation sign).
2. When Jupiter is powerful and there is considerable distance between the causative planet and Jupiter.
3. When Jupiter and the causative planet are powerfully aspected by Venus and/or Mercury.
4. When these planets are in the constellations of natural benefics who are powerful.
5. When the 9th house and the 9th lord are powerful.
6. When there is a powerful Dharmakarrnadhipati Yoga.
7. When Jupiter is with Ketu and connected with the 12th house.
8. When there are highly benefic influences on the Lagna and/or 10th house.

Let us study some practical horoscopes to confirm the above observations.

Chart 1 : Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa : Born 18-2-1836 at about 6-23 a.m. LMT at 22 N 53, 87 E 44.

Jupiter is in the 5th, in the constellation of Rahu causing Guru Chandala Yoga .in Chart 1. But note the exaltation of Lagna lord in the 9th, the house of Dharma and the exaltation of 9th lord Venus. Also note the exaltation of 10th lord Mars in the Mokshastana. These combinations along with other Parivraja Yogas made the native one of the greatest saints India has ever produced. The Guru Chandala Yoga expressed itself in a constructive channel making the native follow the disciplines of other religions like Islam and Christianity to understand the universal truth preached by all religions.

Chart 2 : Balagangadhar Tilak : Born 23-7-1856 at 6-24 a.m. LMT at 18 N 32, 73 E 53

The native of Chart 2 was a profile writer, subtle lucid thinker and a reviver of religious festivals like Ganapati, Navaratri Mahotsavas.
About the Guru Chandala Yoga in this chart let us quote DR. B.V. RAMAN himself: "It may be asked whether Jupiter - Rahu association has not caused Guru Chandala Yoga. The answer would be that the Yoga stands neutralized by the fact that Rahu is in the constellation of Mercury and is removed from Jupiter by 10 degrees. Rahu's situation in the Nakshatra of Mercury who is Mokshastanadhipati and the entire combination receiving the aspect of Saturn from Mokshastana gave him living faith in God."

Chart 3 : Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee : Born 29-6-1864 at about 3-55 a.m. LMT at 22 N 35. 88 E

The native of Chart 3 was a famous judge and jurist. He had great zeal for the ancient Hindu Sastras. He persistently adhered to the Indian dress and to the orthodox Hindu methods of living and performed pujas in the old orthodox style. Here the Guru Chandala Yoga occurring in Libra manifested constructively making him a balanced judge as Jupiter and Rahu are both placed in the asterism of Jupiter. Note the combination occurring in the Mokshastana receiving the aspect of Jupiter and also note the Vargottama position of 12th lord Mars in the 12th house. From Chandra Lagna, Jupiter as 9th lord aspects Mars who is the lord of Chandra Lagna showing his religious inclinations. The 9th lord from Lagna Saturn is also well placed in the 5th house.

Chart 4 : Adolf Hitler: Born 20-4-1889 at 6-30 p.m. LMT at 48 N, 13 E

Adolf Hitler (Chart 4) had great hatred for the Jews and took delight in human suffering and harvest of death. He was extremely aggressive. Here Guru Chandala Yoga expressed itself destructively even though occurring in a benefic sign and a benefic constellation. Here Jupiter becomes a functional malefic. Further, the 9th house is afflicted by Rahu and the 9th lord along with the Lagna lord is afflicted by all the three natural malefics Sun, Saturn and Mars in the 7th house. The 10th house or Karmastana is also afflicted by natural malefics.

Chart 5 : Jawaharlal Nehru : Born 14-11-1889 at 11-03 p.m. LMT at 25 N 25, 82 E.

Nehru (Chart 5) was an agnostic and made no pretensions to an insight into the mysteries of the Infinite. He vehemently criticized ancient Hindu Sastras. These results are due to the very near conjunction of Jupiter and Ketu aspected by Mars. But the positive traits of this combination due to the Dharmakarmadhipati Yoga, influence of Jupiter and Ketu on the 12th house and the presence of Jupiter in his own sign made him, deeply religious in the sense that faith in a cause, in ideals, in human goodness and human destiny is closely allied to faith in Providence.

Chart 6 : Male: Born 13/14-1-1915 at 2-30 p.m. LMT at 17 N 58, 79 E 40.

The native of Chart 6 is a religious head who initiated hundreds of people into Srivaishnavism and is devotedly worshipped by them. Note the very near conjunction of Jupiter with Rahu which should not give these results. There is a very significant Yoga in the 2nd containing 9th lord Moon, with 10th lord Sun and the Lagna lord Mars forming a powerful Dharmakarmadhipati Yoga which made the native a religious head. The Guru Chandala Yoga manifested in the form that he criticizes and hates other philosophies of Hindu religion like Advaita etc.

Chart 7 : Male: Born 26-12-1921 at 6-42 a.m. LMT at 15 N 38, 77 E 19.

Note the conjunction of Lagna lord Jupiter in the 10th with Saturn and Rahu in Chart 7. Contrary to the results expected, the native is a purohit or priest well versed in Vedic and follows all the daily rituals like Sandhya and devatarchana strictly. He has trained all his sons and grandsons in the Vedas and they are all purohits by profession. The powerful Dharmakardhipati Yoga occurring in the Lagna explains the reason for these contradictory results.

Chart 8 : Male: Born 5-3-1944 at 10-30 p.m. IST at 16 N 19, 80 E 26.

Chart 8 is of a spiritual preceptor to hundreds of disciples in Andhra Pradesh. Note the exaltation of Jupiter in the 10th with Rahu and the 10th lord Moon. There is a distance of 14° between Jupiter and Rahu. Also note the position of Jupiter in own Navamsa. Futher Venus, the Lagna lord, aspects the combination fulfiling the conditions prescribed in the classical works.

Chart 9 : Male: Born 15-9-1947 at 2-35 p.m. IST at 17 N, 81 E 46.

The native of Chart 9 gives discourses on Puranas in the Tirumala Tirupati Devastanams. He is also a competent astrologer and an Upasaka of Sri Hayagreeva. Note the presence of Jupiter in own constellation and in exaltation Navamsa. Also note the significant Dharma- karmadhipati Yoga in the 9th house and in Chandra Lagna.

Chart 10 : Male: Born 4-10-1947 at 7-30 p.m. IST at 15 N 42, 77 E 35

The native of Chart 10 is a drill master in a government school and also a competent astrologer. During the Dasas of the Moon and Rahu the native was very rude in behaviour. But the commencement of Jupiter Dasa brought considerable change in his life turning him towards astrology and spirituality. The conjunction of Jupiter and Ketu in the 8th house, the house of occultism, brought about this change. Though born as a Brahmin, he does not do Sandhyavandana or Devatarchana etc. But he is a God-fearing person. The presence of Mars and Saturn in the 4th house influencing all the Kendras and the debilitation of the 2nd lord aspected by Saturn made his words and deeds harsh in nature.

Chart 11: Male: Born 13-3-1969 at 8-11 p.m. IST at 13 N 04, 80 E 17.

Chart 11 belongs to a young sanyasin, the pontiff of a famous mutt in South India. Note the conjunction of Jupiter - Ketu in the Lagna aspected by the 12th lord. In Bhava, Jupiter and Ketu fall in Mokshastana (12th) aspected by the Mokshastanadhipati Sun. The Moon in Saturn's Rasi and Amsa aspected by Saturn is an important Parivraja Yoga to be noted.

Chart 12: Male: Born 21/22-11-1979 at 1-03.48a.m. LMT at 16 N 04, 78 E 51.

The native of Chart 12 is well versed in Vedic Mantras and Agamas. He is a purohit performing Homas and Yagnas, Prathishtas etc. He is sincere, honest, truthful and God fearing and always helpful to the needy. Here, the Guru Chandala Yoga is expressed in constructive terms as the powerful 4th and 9th lord Mars is conjoined with 5th (and 8th) lord Jupiter in the Lagna. Mars aspects the 10th lord Venus. From Chandra note the Dhannakarmadhipati Yoga in the Mokshastana and also the combination of 5th and 12th lord Mars with the 1st and 4th lord Jupiter in the 9th, the house of Dharma. Jupiter is in the constellation of Venus.

Thus it can be noted that Guru Chandala Yoga is a boon in disguise under appropriate conditions making the native highly religious and inclined towards spirituality and occultism.