Sunday 9 October 2016

Health Issues of Relatives - Astrological Clues

This was an article published in the JULY 2012 issue of the 'Modern Astrology'. I thank Mrs. Gayatridevi Vasudev, the editor, for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this........

Health Issues of
Relatives - Astrological Clues
Dr. K. Guru Rajesh

It is a well-known fact that a person's horoscope can show the diseases he is prone to suffer in future. It is also within my experience that the kind of health problems one's relatives would have suffered in the past or would suffer in the future can also be known to some extent from the horoscope. This paper is aimed at showing the potential of a horoscope in indicating serious health problems to the native's relatives. This may help in cases where the horoscopes of the concerned relative are not available or as a means to confirm the inference drawn from one's horoscope. Only conditions that are of a serious nature such as those causing great damage to the quality of life or even death are considered here. The expression close relative would mainly include the father, mother, siblings, wife and children.

Different houses of the horoscope represent various relatives. The 4th house signifies mother while the 9th shows father. The 3rd stands for siblings in general and younger siblings in particular while the 11th rules older siblings. The spouse is indicated by the 7th while the 5th governs children. The following approach is used in this context:
  • ·         Judge the concerned Bhava, its lord and its Karaka.
  • ·         Consider the concerned house as the Ascendant of the relative in question and judge the horoscope accordingly.
  • ·         Consider the sign occupied by the Karaka as the Ascendant and proceed with the analysis.
  • ·         The sign that hosts a particular Bhava representing a relative will denote the body part as in the Zodiac which will be the main seat of the disease. Additionally, the signs occupied by the concerned Bhava lord and the Karaka will also hold the key to predicting health problems to the relative. Also, the nature of the planets involved in these signs has a say in the disease.
  • ·         Look out for the sign which has more influences (two or more) of natural malefics either by way of occupation or aspect. The part ruled by this sign indicated by the Zodiac or from the concerned Bhava or from the Karaka will be affected by disease.
  • ·         Disease causing planetary combinations given in the classics when present in these signs cause the particular disease in that part.
  • ·         When a concerned house and/or its Karaka are considerably blemished but its lord has joined strong natural benefics devoid of malefic influences, the concerned relative will suffer the disease but there may not be imminent death.
  • ·         When the lord of a house is afflicted in the house itself this can be considered as double affliction, both to the house and to the lord. This results in serious consequences.
  • ·         Regarding siblings and progeny, a general indication can be got about the nature of the health problem. However, further details like the particular brother, sister, son or daughter who is likely to suffer may be quite difficult to guage. This has to be confirmed by examining the individual horoscope.
  • ·         The concept of Neechabhanga or cancellation of debilitation may be ignored in judging disease and longevity.

Chart1: Male: Born September 4, 1978 at 01h. 58m. at 16 N 18, 80 E 24.

The mother of the native of Chart 1 has suffered breast cancer and has undergone mastectomy and radiation therapy. The 4th house is occupied by the 2nd lord and Karaka Moon, the 6th and 11th lord Mars and Rahu. The 4th lord Mercury is in inimical Cancer with the 7th and 10th lord exalted Jupiter. The Moon, the Karaka for mother, is in Virgo itself which is the 4th house. The signs involved here are Virgo the 4th house, and the sign occupied by Karaka Moon, and Cancer, the sign occupied by the 4th lord Mercury. The Moon rules over the mammary glands and Mars and Rahu joining Moon indicate cancerous growth. Mercury, the 4th lord, occupying Cancer denotes the chest region of the Zodiac which also confirms the disease. Though the 4th house and the Karaka are afflicted severely by Mars and Rahu the saving grace is the association of Mercury with exalted Jupiter without any malefic influences. This has saved the native's mother from serious consequences.

Chart 2: Female: Born November 21, 1936 at 10h. 58m. at 41 N 51, 87 W 39. (6h.W).

The mother of the native of Chart 2 died on June 17, 1953 of a cancerous brain tumor and a sister underwent a mastectomy for cancer. Let us judge the 4th house. Aries is the 4th house aspected by Saturn and Mars, two first rate natural malefics and by Jupiter. The 4th lord Mars is in inimical Virgo in the 9th. The Karaka Moon joins Saturn in the 2nd. When we consider the 4th house Aries as the Ascendant, its lord Mars occupies the 6th in an inimical sign while the Ascendant is aspected by Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. Judging the horoscope taking Aquarius, the sign occupied by the Karaka, as the Ascendant it can be seen that the 6th lord Moon joins the Ascendant lord while the 8th is occupied by malefic Mars. The signs involved are Aries, as the 4th from the Ascendant, Virgo as the sign hosting the 4th lord and Aquarius as the sign where the Karaka Moon is placed. Going by the Zodiac, Aries rules the head, Virgo the abdomen and Aquarius calves of the legs. The combined aspect of Saturn and Mars falls on Aries and hence, the native's mother a suffered brain tumor.

What about the sister's mastectomy? The 3rd house which signifies sisters is Pisces aspected by the malefic Mars while the 3rd lord Jupiter is in the 12th though in own house, afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Mars. When we consider Virgo, the sign hosting the Karaka, as the Ascendant, the 4th house and its lord are severely afflicted by Rahu and aspected by 3rd and 8th lord malefic Mars. The 4th house stands for the chest region and hence the native's sister suffered breast cancer and had to undergo a mastectomy.

Chart 3: Male: Born April 18, 1987 at 12h. 10m. at 11 N 6, 77 E 21.

The father of the native of Chart 3 has been diagnosed with lung cancer which is in an advanced stage. As he has he already had three surgeries for his heart problem the doctors say they cannot treat him as his body may not tolerate chemotherapy and which could prove fatal. Currently he is being treated through homeopathy which does not seem to be working.

The 9th house Leo in Chart 3 is not occupied by any planet but is aspected by Saturn and Mars. The 9th lord Sun is exalted in the 5th but hemmed between malefics. Leo afflicted by the combined aspect of Saturn and Mars resulted in the heart problem to the native's father. Now considering Leo as the Ascendant, the most afflicted sign is Scorpio which is the 4th house therefrom. Debilitated Moon joined by Saturn and aspected by Mars in the 4th has given rise to lung cancer to the native's father. When judged from Aries, the sign hosting the KarakaSun, Leo is the 5th ruling the heart while Scorpio is the 8th hosting the Moon and Saturn and aspected by the 8th lord Mars. This explains the terminal condition of the cancer in the chest area ruled by the Moon.

Case 4: Female: Born October 15, 1974 at 10h. 24m. at 30 N 22, 76 E 01.
The father of the native of Chart 4 has suffered from prolonged illness due to paralysis. The 9th house is Cancer which is neither occupied nor aspected by any planet. The 9th lord Moon is in Virgo in the 11th joined by Mars and the Karaka Sun and debilitated Venus. The 9th lord Moon and Karaka Sun do not receive any redeeming influence of strong benefics. When judged from the sign Virgo, it can be noted that all the four Kendras are afflicted by the influence of Mars and Saturn, while Mercury, the dispositor of the 9th lord Moon and the Karaka Sun, is in the 2nd hemmed between malefics. The Sun ruling vitality, Venus ruling veerya, Mars ruling the muscular system and the Moon, the 9th lord, are closely associated and afflicting one another. This explains the father's paralytic condition and protracted suffering.

Chart 5: Male: Born on 16th August 1992 at 6h. 00m. at 20 N 14, 85 E 50.
The father of the native of Chart 5 has suffered from pancreatic cancer (pancreatitis) after which the pancreas was removed bysurgery. Later a lobe of the right lung was also removed as it was found that the cancer had spread to it. After a gap of about three years there was a relapse with the cancer affecting his liver and the alimentary canal to which the native's father succumbed.

The 9th house is Virgo which is aspected by the 7th lord Moon. The 9th lord Mercury is in the 7th house in an inimical sign aspected by Saturn and hemmed between malefics. Karaka Sun though in own sign Leo is weak owing to his occupying a junctional point. He is further aspected by Mars. It can be seen that the signs involved are Cancer - being the sign occupied by the 9th lord, Leo - the sign occupied the Karaka Sun and Virgo, the 9th house. These three signs rule the chest, stomach and lower abdominal regions respectively of the natural Zodiac. Though the Karaka Sun is associated with benefics Jupiter and Venus, the 9th lord Mercury is weak and afflicted which resulted in the demise of the father. When judged from Virgo, the 9th house, the 4th is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars while the Ascendant lord Mercury is in an inimical sign, hemmed between malefics and aspected by the 5th and 6th lord Saturn. When judged from Leo, the sign occupied by the Karaka, the 5th house is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars.

Chart 6: Female: Born 28, June 1987 at 3h.50m. at 15 N3 8, 77 E 17.

The father of the native of Chart 6 is suffering from leukaemia or blood cancer. The 9th house is Capricorn which is aspected by the 9th lord Saturn from Scorpio and by the debilitated Mars and the Moon from Cancer. Both the Moon and Mars are weak owing to their occupation of the junction point of the sign Cancer. The 9th lord Saturn is in the 7th house in a malefic sign; however, he is aspected by the Ascendant lord Venus from the Ascendant. The Karaka Sun is well placed in Gemini with Mercury. It is seen that mainly watery signs Scorpio and Cancer are involved here. This fact, coupled with the combination of the Moon and debilitated Mars indicates disease rooted in the body fluids, that is, mainly blood. However, the aspect of a strong Venus on the 9th lord Saturn and the good position of the Karaka Sun indicates that the native's father would live for a few more years.

Younger Sister
Chart 7: Male: Born October 15, 1946 at 12h. 53m. at 41 N 18. 72 W 54, (5h.W)

The younger sister of the native of Chart 7 died on February 4, 1983 due to cardiac arrest suffering anorexia. The 3rd house is occupiedby the Sun and aspected by Saturn from the Ascendant. The 3rd lord Mercury is in the 4th with Yogakaraka 10th lord Mars and the 9th lord Jupiter, hemmed between malefics. When judged from the 3rd house, the Ascendant is occupied by the 12th lord Sun aspected by the 6th lord Saturn while the Ascendant lord Mercury is in the 2nd with the 3rd and 8th lord Mars and the 4th and 7th lord Jupiter. The 5th house ruling the heart is afflicted by the combined aspect of Mars and Saturn. The Sun placed in the 3rd afflicted by Saturn and the 5th from the 3rd afflicted by the aspect of Saturn and Mars explains the death of the native's sister due to heart disease.

Chart 8: Male: Born April 25, 1978 at 17h. Om. At 16 N 10, 81 E 08.

The native of Chart 8 has three younger sisters. The youngest is mentally retarded since birth and she has to be taken care of byothers even for feeding, bathing etc. The third house that rules younger siblings is Scorpio occupied by the 11th lord debilitated Moon and aspected by Venus from the 9th house. The 3rd lord Mars occupies his debilitation sign in the 11th house. The 3rd house itself is occupied by a debilitated planet while the 3rd lord is in his debilitation. This indicates serious problems with the siblings while the involvement of debilitated Moon indicates some mental trouble. Judging from the 3rd house, the 5th house is occupied by 8th lord debilitated Mercury who is afflicted by Ketu while the 5th lord Jupiter occupies the 8th house establishing an exchange of signs between the 5th and 8th lords. Involvement of afflicted and debilitated Mercury, Jupiter and the 5th and 8th houses explains the retarded mental growth of the sister.

Younger Brother
Chart 9. Female: Born July 25, 1986 at 14h. 10m. at 25 N 26, 81 E 50 (5.30 Hrs East).

The younger brother of the native of Chart 9 met with a serious accident in which his leg got severed from his body but which was later joined by surgery. This was in June 2011 and the brother is yet to recover fully. The 3rd is aspected by 10th lord Sun and the 8th cum 11th lord Mercury while the 3rd lord Saturn is in the Ascendant in a Martian sign Scorpio hemmed between Mars and Ketu. The signs involved are Scorpio - hosting the 3rd lord, Sagittarius - hosting the Karaka Mars and Capricorn - the 3rd house. These signs rule the secret parts, thighs and knees respectively in the Zodiac. Serious affliction to the 3rd lord involving Mars and Ketu (kujavad ketu) explains the grave leg injury of the native's brother.

Chart 10: Male: Born October 20, 1949 at 19h. OOm. at 29 N 24, 76 E 59.

The wife of the native of Chart 10 was diagnosed with uterine cancer. The 7th house Libra is occupied by the 5th lord debilitated Sun aspected by Saturn while the 7th lord and Karaka Venus is in the 8th aspected by Mars. This indicates serious problems to the wife. The signs involved are Libra and Scorpio which rule the lower abdomen and the reproductive parts of the natural Zodiac. The involvement of Venus, debilitated Sun and the affliction from Mars and Saturn explain the wife's uterine cancer. When reckoned from Scorpio, the sign hosting Karaka Venus, the 7th lord Venus is in the Ascendant aspected by Mars while the 7th is aspected by Saturn. This also confirms the earlier observation.

Chart 11: Male: Born November 12, 1973 at 7h. 13m. at 81 N 47, 16 E 59.

The wife of the native of Chart 11 was born deaf. She does not understand anything and she cannot even count currency notes. Her IQ is less than their son's who is in Class 1. The native got her ears operated and now she can hear though she cannot understand much. The native was cheated into marrying her by her parents.

The 7th house is Taurus occupied by an exalted 9th lord Moon and aspected by 2nd and 5th lord debilitated Jupiter. The 7th lord and Karaka Venus is in the 2nd house under heavy affliction from Saturn and the Rahu- Ketu axis involving Gemini and Sagittarius. Judged from the 7th house, the 2nd house is heavily afflicted while the 2nd and 5th lord Mercury goes into the 6th. The aspect of debilitated Jupiter on the 7th and the 5th from the 7th further complicate matters. These afflictions have caused impairment in the hearing and other faculties of the wife. Though there is benefic influence in the form of Jupiter's aspect, it is ineffective because of his debilitation.

Case 12: Male: Born December 9, 1957 at 10h.OOm. at 15 N 19, 78 E 14.

The son of the native of Chart 12 died suddenly due to heart trouble. The 5th house is Scorpio occupied by the 2nd lord Sun and 7th cum 8th lord Saturn while the 5th lord Mars is in the 4th with the 6th and 9th lord Jupiter and Rahu. The Karaka Jupiter is severely afflicted by Mars and Rahu in an inimical sign in the 4th. When judged from the 5th house, the Ascendant is occupied by the Sun and Saturn who are in close conjunction. The Ascendant and 6th lord Mars is relegated to the 12th afflicted by Rahu and joined by Jupiter. If we judge from Libra, the sign occupied by the Karaka, the Ascendant is occupied by 3rd and the 6th lord Jupiter afflicted by Mars and Rahu while the Ascendant lord Venus is in the 4th afflicted by the combined aspect of Saturn and Mars. All these planetary dispositions indicate severe health problems and short life to progeny. The close affliction to the Sun from Saturn in the 5th from the Ascendant explains the seat of disease as in the heart ruled by the Sun.

Case 13. Male: Born May 7, 1954 at 12h. 20m. at 15 N 23, 77 E 14.

The native of Chart 13 has two sons. His second son suffered from fits and high fever during his third month and his mental growth was arrested which has made him mentally retarded with unclear speech. The 5th house is Scorpio aspected by 4th and 11th lord Venus from own house. The 5th lord Mars occupies the 6th afflicted by Rahu's and Saturn's aspect. Jupiter, the Moon and Ketu aspect Mars from the 12th. The Karaka Jupiter occupies the 12th joining the Moon and Ketu and is aspected by Mars and Rahu from the 6th. All these dispositions indicate trouble with the native's progeny. The 5th lord afflicted by the Nodes and Saturn and aspected further by the Moon, Ketu and Jupiter indicate trouble with the mind and speech. When judged from the 5th house, the Ascendant is hemmed between malefics and its lord Mars occupies the 2nd under severe affliction. The 2nd and 5th lord Jupiter is relegated to the 8th, a Mercurial sign, under severe affliction. This explains the native's son's retarded mental growth and unclear speech.

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